Friday, January 31, 2014

Use It or Lose It

Want to get a jump on your Spring cleaning?  As you’re going through your closet, cabinets, or “sort through” stash, keep in mind that one person’s junk might be another person’s treasure.

Heartland Independent Living Center (HILC) is accepting gently used items for their annual yard sale in April.  Proceeds of the sale go to Heartland’s dental program which provides services for individuals with acute dental need but lacking the means to address it. Heartland partners with the Agape Clinic of Belle and dental providers in the area to provide these services.   

Heartland is also accepting adaptive equipment, such as wheel chairs, lift chairs, shower seats, bedside commodes or quad canes.  Many times these items are used for short periods of time and show few signs of use.  Heartland will restore or refurbish the item and make it available at no charge to its consumers in need.

It might be junk to you, but a treasure to some-
one else. If you don’t use it, donate it to Heart-
land Independent Living Center for their annual 
yard sale in April.  Proceeds of the sale go to 
Heartland’s dental program which provides 
services for individuals with acute dental need 
but lacking the means to address it.

Items may be dropped off at Heartland’s Owensville or Union office from 8:00am to 4:00pm.  Pickup may be arranged for larger items.  The Owensville office is located at 1010 Hwy 28 West, 573-437-5100, and the Christopher Manhart Office in Union at 104 South McKinley, Suite A, 636-583-7977.

Heartland Independent Living Center (HILC) is a nonprofit, non-residential, community based organization that serves individuals with disabilities in east central Missouri.  HILC holds the Better Business Bureau’s Charity Seal.  Heartland offers services to assist people to live independently in their own home, including advocacy, information & referral, independent living skills training, ramps and home modifications, nursing home transition, adaptive equipment, and dental services.  For more information on available services, contact HILC toll-free at 866-322-3224.